Vol. 5 No. 1 (1990)
Research Articles

How Can Correspondence-Based Distance Education be Improved?: A Survey of Attitudes of Students Who Are Not Well Disposed toward Correspondence Study

Gordon Thompson

How to Cite

Thompson, G. (1990). How Can Correspondence-Based Distance Education be Improved?: A Survey of Attitudes of Students Who Are Not Well Disposed toward Correspondence Study. International Journal of E-Learning & Distance Education Revue Internationale Du E-Learning Et La Formation à Distance, 5(1), 53–65. Retrieved from https://ijede.ca/index.php/jde/article/view/371


This study explored the attitudes of post-secondary students who were negatively disposed toward correspondence-based distance education programs. Forty-eight subjects were interviewed to determine their views regarding the primary disadvantages associated with correspondence-based distance education and their suggestions as to how such programs can be improved. The results indicated that the restricted interaction with the instructor was perceived as the major disadvantage. The preferred strategy for improvement was periodic face-to-face meetings with the instructor in preference to periodic telephone conversations. Increased contact with other students studying the same course was much less important than increased contact with the instructor. Implications for practice are discussed. Abstract Cette étude explore les attitudes des étudiants au post-secondaire qui ont des sentiments négatifs envers les programmes d'éducation à distance basés sur la correspondance. Quarante huit étudiants furent entrevus afin de déterminer leur opinion sur les inconvénients les plus sérieux des cours par correspondance et de recevoir leurs suggestions sur la façon dont on pourrait améliorer de tels programmes. Les résultats indiquent que l'interaction limitée avec le professeur constitue le plus grand inconvénient. La méthode favorite suggérée pour améliorer le modèle consiste en des entrevues régulières avec le professeur, de préférence aux conversations téléphoniques régulières. L'augmentation du contact avec les autres étudiants dans le même cours est moins importante que l'augmentation du contact avec le professeur. L'étude discute les implications pratiques.