Vol. 30 No. 1 (2015)
Research Articles

Collaborative Online Teaching: A Model for Gerontological Social Work Education

Amy Elizabeth Fulton
University of Calgary Faculty of Social Work
Christine A. Walsh
University of Calgary Faculty of Social Work
Anna Azulai
Cari Gulbrandsen
University of Calgary Faculty of Social Work
Hongmei Tong
University of Calgary Faculty of Social Work

Published 2015-05-26


  • collaborative teaching,
  • team teaching,
  • gerontological social work,
  • online delivery,
  • mixed methods research

How to Cite

Fulton, A. E., Walsh, C. A., Azulai, A., Gulbrandsen, C., & Tong, H. (2015). Collaborative Online Teaching: A Model for Gerontological Social Work Education. International Journal of E-Learning & Distance Education Revue Internationale Du E-Learning Et La Formation à Distance, 30(1). Retrieved from https://ijede.ca/index.php/jde/article/view/917


Social work students and faculty are increasingly embracing online education and team teaching. Yet models to support these activities have not been adequately developed. This paper describes how a team of instructors (a senior faculty member, three doctoral students, and a post-doctoral fellow) developed, delivered and evaluated an undergraduate gerontological social work course using a collaborative online teaching and learning model. Our findings suggest that the course model served to: (a) facilitate undergraduate students’ use of higher order learning (reflection, reflexivity and application of knowledge to practice) and reduce ageism; (b) increase instructional skill among doctoral students and (c) provide the opportunity for gerontology training to undergraduate social work students across a large geographical area.


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