Research Articles
Published 2015-05-26
- collaborative teaching,
- team teaching,
- gerontological social work,
- online delivery,
- mixed methods research
How to Cite
Fulton, A. E., Walsh, C. A., Azulai, A., Gulbrandsen, C., & Tong, H. (2015). Collaborative Online Teaching: A Model for Gerontological Social Work Education. International Journal of E-Learning & Distance Education Revue Internationale Du E-Learning Et La Formation à Distance, 30(1). Retrieved from
Social work students and faculty are increasingly embracing online education and team teaching. Yet models to support these activities have not been adequately developed. This paper describes how a team of instructors (a senior faculty member, three doctoral students, and a post-doctoral fellow) developed, delivered and evaluated an undergraduate gerontological social work course using a collaborative online teaching and learning model. Our findings suggest that the course model served to: (a) facilitate undergraduate students’ use of higher order learning (reflection, reflexivity and application of knowledge to practice) and reduce ageism; (b) increase instructional skill among doctoral students and (c) provide the opportunity for gerontology training to undergraduate social work students across a large geographical area.References
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